have a huge range of spares in stock and even light damaged vehicles
for sale. To help you with your requirements, please find below
the guideline categories for vehicle damage.
A written-off vehicle that must be totally destroyed, including
all of its parts.
Category B
A written-off vehicle from which the spare parts may be re-sold,
but from which the body-shell should be destroyed so that the
vehicle cannot be returned to the road.
Category C
A vehicle that is written-off by the insurers because the repair
costs are greater than the value of the vehicle itself, but which
can nonetheless still be potentially repaired to a roadworthy
Category D
A vehicle that has been written-off by the insurers, for various
possible reasons, even though its physical repair costs are less
than the vehicle’s actual value.
Category X
A vehicle that is “not recorded” as being damaged
on the HPI register, or which has very minimal damage only. Generally
speaking, these vehicles are “stolen-recovered” cases.
In order to assist you fully with your enquirey, please find below
a list of abbreviations which help clarify the specific part of
a vehicle you may be interested in:
O/S = off-side (which means the driver's side of the vehicle)
• O/S/F = off-side front
• O/S/R = off-side rear
• N/S = near-side (which means the passenger's side of the
• N/S/F = near-side front
• N/S/R = near-side rear
• NROV = the vehicle is not recorded on the HPI register
• U/S = un-serviceable (the part specified is no good)
• S/REC = stolen recovered
• F/S/H = full service history
Below is a list of the classifications by which insurance companies
write-off vehicles.
categorised as ‘A’ or ‘B’ have been so
severely accident damaged that they are deemed unfit for repair
by the insurers and must therefore be “crushed” to
prevent them from being able to go back on the road.
Categories ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘X’
with the correct facility and knowledge and paperwork can successfully
make it back onto the road.